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Length: 00:43  + Preview
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Release date: January 04, 2018, more updates... [Nav]

Duration: 48 min, 17 sec  Movie Segment: 00:45:27 - 01:33:44 | Membership Site: 48:53

Studio: Pure Taboo - 519 Scenes

Movie: Mamma's Boy - 2 Scenes

Categories: Hardcore, Threesome, Ethnicity: White Girls, White Men, Hair: Blondes, Squirt, Theme: Family Roleplay

Teen Talked Into Sex With Emotionally Unstable Mother And Son

Story -

The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam's reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend's hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile -- there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her -- a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy's side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space ... something is very strange about Adam's mother!

Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can't believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son's dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house.

As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It's not what it looks like. It's not cheating and he doesn't consider it sex ... well not exactly .... he just has to take care of his mom this way. When

Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't actually his biological relative ... she's just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn't do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. 'I promise you I don't consider it sex,' he tells her. 'I just consider it being a good son. I'm helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that's why he invited her over ... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it's time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house.

Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she's leaving right now if he doesn't make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!

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* Family Roleplay: This film is a Fantasy / Fiction. Real life performers are not related in any way
   (as steps or otherwise) and it is not advocating that the viewers re-enact anything depicted.

Pornstars / Cast

  This scene is performed by 2 female and 1 male pornstar/s
Alexis Fawx

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Mamma's Boy

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UPC: 895152049942
Item ID [NEW]:  2535112
Item ID [USED]: 5834448
Number of Discs: 1

Scenes: 2 List Scene Index

Resolution: 540p

DVD Covers: Front  + Back

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