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Length: 00:01:25
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Release date: October 31, 2017, more updates... [Nav]

Duration: 50:36 * Membership Site

Studio: Pure Taboo - 518 Scenes

Movie: Cheer Practice - 2 Scenes

Categories: Hardcore, Couples - Boy/Girl, Ethnicity: White Girls, White Men, Hair: Brunettes, Wearing: Uniforms, Cheerleaders

Sexual Predator Tempted By Eighteen-year-old Cheerleader

Story -


Scene opens in a small office at the end of a therapy appointment. In a series of tightly cropped shots, a middle-aged man named Tom sits on a couch, nervously tapping his foot, while his therapist wraps up the session. The therapist reminds the man of the main goal at this stage in his treatment. It is all about behavior management and how Tom must work on identifying his specific risk factors to develop a plan for preventing harm in the future. Tom nods and agrees, stating that his compulsions towards 'certain women' have been much more under control since he moved. There is one new neighborhood girl who causes him some concern but, if he just keeps away from her, he knows he can focus on decreasing his compulsions. The dialogue between therapist and patient, while somewhat vague, creates the impression that the man has been in trouble and is required to attend therapy. After wrapping up, the therapist signs a log book tracking Tom's session and hands it back to him. They shake hands and Tom exits - revealing his face for the first time. Scene cuts to show him driving silently down the street and into a driveway. He gets out of his car, grabbing his book, and begins to walk past the other houses in his complex. In the distance, he spots Kim, the neighbor girl he mentioned earlier. Dressed in her cheer leading uniform, she is practicing cheers on the front lawn. He swallows hard and looks down at his feet. As soon as she sees him, she stops and runs up to the fence to walk alongside him. She tries to chat him up but he avoids eye contact and walks faster. She is persistent, being coy and even a little flirty, but he scrambles to get to his door and slams the door.

Tom starts to get an erection and covers it, pinching himself and trying to keep control. Kim notices this and smiles, as it becomes clear that she is purposely trying to get his attention. Her cheers start to gravitate closer to where he is sitting and becoming more suggestive. This makes Tom incredibly nervous but also extremely turned on. He looks over at Kim, who has now bent over and is sticking her ass in his lap. She asks him how long he thinks she can hold that pose. Gulping, he slowly undoes his pants and pulls out his hard cock. He strokes it over her ass, while she wiggles and pretends to not notice. She edges back against him, until his cock is resting on her ass. She starts to dry hump him for a moment, before turning around and coming face to face with his cock. Barely able to breath. 'I know who you are,' she says smiling ... her tongue reaching out and licking the tip of his cock. 'You're a pervert. My daddy told me to stay away from you.' Tom covers his head with his hand and nods, 'You really shouldn't be alone with me,' he warns. 'I have trouble controlling myself. I have a problem.' Gingerly, Kim starts to stroke his cock. Soon enough, She's already sucking. Tom peaks at the girl before clasping his hand over his face again. 'I'm not supposed to be in contact with girls,' he chokes out. 'I'm eighteen Tom ... but we can pretend I'm one of those girls you're not supposed to be in contact with if you'd like.' She starts blowing him slowly.

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Pornstars / Cast

  This scene is performed by 1 female and 1 male pornstar/s
Jill Kassidy

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Gallery #1  Photoset 17
Gallery #2  Photoset 15
Gallery #3  Trailer 15

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Cheer Practice

movie dvd
UPC: 895152051013
Item ID [NEW]: 2576172
Number of Discs: 1

Scenes: 2 List Scene Index

Resolution: 540p

DVD Covers: Front  + Back

Discontinued [solo]

USED: Not Available

DVD Features:

- Interactive Menus
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