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On Our Own Pt. 1

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Release date: May 23, 2022, more updates... [Nav]

Duration: 42 min, 19 sec  Movie Segment: 00:00:07 - 00:42:26 | Membership Site: 39:46

Studio: All Her Luv - 313 Scenes

Movie: On Our Own - 2 Scenes

Story - The two girls arrive, rolling their suitcases. "So this is our home for the next three months, huh?", Laney Grey (Grey) says. "Longer, if we're lucky", Sarah (Kimmy Kimm) responds. "Yeah", Laney agrees. They plop down on the living room couch. "We're lucky we got the same taxi or this would have cost a fortune", Laney claims. "This is the start to the rest of our lives", Sarah asserts. "I'm scared", Laney says. "Don't be", Sarah reassures her, adding: "I mean this is the future. A new beginning. Fuck having a regular job, fuck other people's expectations, fuck everything! ". They both laugh, and Sarah chides: "Come on, you can do better than that". "I'm just a little shy", Laney shrugs. "Those days are over", Sarah claims. "I don't know. It's just the way I am", Laney says. "Society taught you to be shy -told you somehow that little girls who are quiet and do what they're told are better. Don't you feel like you spent your whole life pleasing others?", Sarah says. "Yeah, I do. How'd you know?", Laney asks. "Because that's the way the system works. This, right here, right now, is how we're going to start something new. Fuck corporate America. Fuck they way things used to be. I want you to scream", Sarah implores, grabbing Laney's hand. "Scream?", Laney wonders, adding: "I don't know. What would the neighbors think?". "You have to stop worrying what other people would think. People are going to judge you just for taking a risk", Sarah says. Laney takes a deep breath, but can't bring herself to scream. "That's okay, we'll work on it. Let's choose rooms! ", Sarah exclaims, and takes Laney's hand, leading her up from the couch. The duo plops down on a big bed, Laney declaring: "I want this one". "This is the best room", Sarah says. "Finders, keepers", Laney maintains. "We found it at the same time", Sarah points out. "But I called it", Laney insists. "Well, maybe we can just share," Sarah concedes. "You know what I just realized? We can have sleepovers, like we're kids again", Sarah enthuses. "My mom never let me have sleepovers", Laney recalls. "So, this will be your first. We don't have to grow up if we don't want to", Sarah declares. "Exactly. We're going to have fun, aren't we?", Laney says. "Uh, hum", Sarah agrees. "So what made you try this?", Sarah asks. "I saw your post on line, and I know it sounds crazy, but I thought I want to live in the moment -I want to live for myself", Laney states. "That's not so crazy", Sarah says. "It is to me", Laney responds. "Well, where were you before this?", Sarah asks. "Well, everything about my life seemed perfect. I had a good office job, I was engaged, we were pre-approved for a mortgage, but I just felt so empty. Everyone in my life thought I was crazy. They thought I was ruining my life, but I just had to know if things could be different. I just had to live a life for myself and not just to please other people", Laney contends. "And your fiance?", Sarah asks. "He was nice, but I don't think I ever loved him", Sarah asserts, adding: "To tell you the truth, I don't know if I've ever been in love". "I've kind of a similar story. Honestly, my parents were hippies, so I had no real rules, no obligations, but it's funny 'cause no matter who your parents are, you want to rebel. So as soon as I could I was off to college, and then right after college I got a shitty corporate job that all my friends were jealous of", Sarah recalls. "What happened?", Laney asks. "I didn't feel alive, you know, I felt like a robot, just going through the motions, and I hate to say it but my parents were right to leave it all behind, and impulsively I put this ad up for my idea for a better life, you know, without any rules, or any jobs or obligations, and I thought that only weirdos or creeps would apply, but then I saw your profile", Sarah says, with a smile. Laney laughs and says: "How do you know I'm not a weirdo or a creep?". "Well, I don't know if you're a weirdo yet, but maybe you're a creep", Sarah jokes. Laney laughs again, saying: "It's a bit quick in our relationship for a harrowing backstory". "No, I think it's sweet. I feel like I've already known you for years", Sarah says. "Me, too", Laney replies. "You strike me as someone who's never let go", Sarah states. "Let go?", Laney asks. "Yeah, like that scream. You're wound so tight", Sarah concludes. "You're right about that", Laney confesses. Sarah impulsively leans over and kisses her on the lips. Laney pulls away and exclaims: "What was that?". "I don't know. It just felt right", Sarah admits sheepishly. "I'm not gay", Laney insists. "Neither am I", Sarah agrees. "Are we making the right choice?", Laney wonders. "I don't know", Sarah replies. "It's scary, you know. What happens when we run out of money?", Laney wonders. "Well, we're figure it out, I mean, I have a lot saved", Sarah says. "Me, too. But what if everyone's right? What if this whole thing is crazy? And selfish?", Laney asks. "It's not selfish to want to live authentically", Sarah maintains. "Why do I feel so bad?", Laney asks. "Did I make it worse, by kissing you, I mean?", Sarah asks. "No, it was just confusing", Laney shrugs. "Good confusing?", Sarah asks with a smile. "It felt good. I just. . . we just met, you know, I've never been with a girl before", Laney confesses. "Well, we can try it again if you want", Sarah offers. Laney nods Yes, and they kiss repeatedly, with Sarah caressing Laney's breasts, asking: "Is this okay?". "Don't stop", Laney whispers. Watch the romance unfold. . .

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Pornstars / Cast

  This scene is performed by 2 female pornstars
Kimmy Kimm

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Laney Grey

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