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Length: 00:01:05
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Release date: February 28, 2019, more updates... [Nav] | Duration: 33:18 * Membership Site

Network: Girlsway - 1,916 Scenes

Categories: Lesbian, Threesome, Ethnicity: White Girls, Hair: Blondes, Brunettes, Squirt
Story - Abigail Mac is at her desk working when her boss, Sinn Sage, comes by asking for reports. Abigail tries her best to keep things professional as Sinn leans against her chair and compliments her outfit. Abigail's uncomfortable but accepts the compliment, although it's when Sinn asks her to stand up so that she can get a better look that Abigail draws the line. Sinn pouts as she's denied, lamenting that Abigail's no fun. As soon as she leaves, Abigail grabs the phone and finally gives HR a call. Abigail meets with Lindsey Cruz, who works at HR. Abigail is relieved to get things off her chest, stating that Sinn has been giving her unwanted compliments and touches that make her feel uncomfortable at work. When Lindsey suggests mediation, which requires Abigail facing Sinn. Abigail is not onboard. However, Lindsey says it's only fair that Sinn has a chance to address the allegations as well. Although she's reluctant, Abigail agrees and Lindsey calls Sinn to arrange a meeting. A short while later, Abigail and Sinn sit with Lindsey, and there is no missing the tension in the room. Sinn doesn't think that complimenting an outfit counts as sexual harassment and that this whole thing is ridiculous. Abigail argues that complimenting and making innuendos are two very different things! Things get heated as Abigail and Sinn get into a heated shouting match. Tempers flare as they both try to prove that they are right, although the lust between them quickly becomes apparent. After Sinn calls Abigail a stripper for the way she dresses at work, Abigail insists that Sinn WISHES she was a stripper! Then Sinn could get her naked to have sex with her because that's what the boss lady REALLY wants, isn't it?! Suddenly, they can't hold back anymore. They surge forward and crash their lips together, hungrily devouring each other's mouths as Lindsey looks on in shock. She tries to wiggle away from the horny women, who are heavily making out and moaning up a storm. However, she's pulled back into the fray as Abigail suggests that she sticks around for 'compliance purposes. ' Turned on by the two powerful women before her, Lindsey's unable to resist temptation and readily joins them. They have a wild threesome, with Lindsey along for the ride as Abigail and Sinn let loose their pent-up sexual frustrations for each other. Abigail lets her naughty boss suck on her breasts and lick her pussy, although the fun's only just started. Abigail wants to make her boss pay!

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Pornstars / Cast

  This scene is performed by 3 female pornstars
Abigail Mac

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Sinn Sage

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Lindsey Cruz

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