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Length: 00:01:52
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It Feels So Right


Porn Scene Information

Release date: May 03, 2014, more updates... [Nav]

Network: SexyHub - 3,562 Scenes | Dane Jones - 966 Scenes [Nav]

Story - Sometimes Morgan just likes to sit in the bedroom chair and watch her love resting. So peaceful and calm, she always feels safe when he is around, partly because he is able to share time with her as if he didn't have any other cares in the world. Martin gets lost in her eyes, as if his business was a million miles away, and as they embrace each other, for that one moment everything in the world just feels so right. Like two stranded sweethearts alone in their own sexual universe, taking time out from everything else to enjoy each other as if nothing else matters - because when he is insider her, in truth, nothing else really does matter much by comparison.

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